Hello Everyone! So, it’s been forever since I’ve posted, so I thought I’d let you all know what I’ve been up to. Not much has been going on…just the usually work, school routine. I only have 4 classes left for the semester!!! I’m SOOO excited for this semester to be over. I don’t think any of my finals are going to be too bad, at least not any worse than midterms. They are all pretty spread out, too, so I should have plenty of time to study. I just want them to be over. Only one more week!
I get more and more excited about next sememster with every day that passes. For those of you who don’t know, I recently got a new job. Starting Jan. 1st, I will be the part time Children’s Minister at my church back home. I’m VERY excited about this for mulitple reasons. Number one and most obvious, I GET TO QUIT STEAK N SHAKE!!! YAY!!! I’m very excited about this. I’ve been wanting to quit SnS for a while, but I was going to wait till the first of the year, after the holiday season was over. I’ve just really been getting sick of the food business. I want a job where I can dress up and actually go places right after work without having to go home and shower first because I smell like SnS funk. Plus, I’ve been having some problems with some managers. Nothing serious, I just really don’t like the way they run things there. So, I knew that being asked to be the Children’s Minister was definitely a God thing. I’ve worked with the Children’s Ministry at my church for about the past 3-4 years or so, and I’ve loved it. The kids are great, and I just love working with them. So, I had to think about it for about two minutes before my mind was made up that I would take the job. I really won’t be doing a whole lot more than what I would do over the summer when I helped out. I’m in charge of Sunday morning and Sunday night activities, and I’ll be in charge of organizing everything and recruiting volunteers to help out with the kids. That’s probably going to be the hardest thing. For some reason, people at my church don’t like to volunteer with the kids. Seriously, these kids are SOOO adorable! I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t want to help out with them. But anyway, we’ll see what I can do. The good things is that I only have to physically be at the church on Sundays; however, there will be a lot of preparing to do during the week and what not. So, next semester, I’ll be going home probably every Saturday, but I don’t mind. My schedule is going to be so much easier next semester since I won’t have to worry about working during the week. I’ll be able to focus a lot more on school work. Please keep me in your prayers. Even though I’m really excited, I’m still pretty nervous. This is going to be a big time comittment and a big responsibility. But, I really feel that it’s something God wants me to do. It’s an awesome opportunity for me, and it came at the perfect time since I’ve been getting so sick of SnS. So yeah, this is the most exciting thing going on in my life right now.
To change gears, I’m TOTALLY getting excited about Christmas coming up! I just can’t wait. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I love buying presents for everyone, even if it is a little frustrating trying to figure out what to buy them. I love the lights and the decorations. I’m really excited about going home for break and spending some time with my family. I’m also excited about sharing this Christmas with Cory and his family. I haven’t seen his parents in almost three months, so it will be nice to be able to spend some quality time with them, as well with Cory.
It’s this time of the year that I really realize how blessed I am. I have an amazing and loving boyfriend who treats me better than I could ever hope to be treated. I have an awesome family! And we have a new addition this year (Andrea), well at least she’s now officially part of the family. I can’t wait to spend some time with her and Mike and Stacey and Madi. I have awesome friends! I’m hoping this Christmas party D is thinking up is going to happen. I’m really excited about getting to share Christmas with Cory and all the guys. I live in an awesome house with tons of awesome people and a Great Room that looks great (no pun intended
) when it’s decorated for Christmas.
I just truly thank God for all the things he’s blessed me with. He truly is a good, awesome God.
Well, I guess this has been long enough. I’m gonna go shower and start studying for some finals. And I think I may go see Blade Trinity with the guys tonight. I’ve never seen any of the other Blades, but I don’t really have anything better to do since I’m not working for the next week because they for some reason gave me ZERO hours at SnS this next week when I was available on like four days. *angry sigh* No, I’m not bitter… I just find it funny that the week after I put in my two weeks notice, I get zero hours. Coincidence? I like to think so because I don’t like to think that SnS would be that low, but who knows. Oh well, I like being broke at Christmas time.(enter sarcastic voice here.) It’ll be okay. I have just enough to pay my bills, so that’s good. And I’ve got plenty of other people who can take care of me.
Anyway, I’m going to quit complaining now, because it doesn’t lead anywhere. But, if you are feeling extra generous and would like to donate to the “Give Kim Money So She Can Buy You A Christmas Present Because SnS is Stupid And She Has No Money” fund, feel free.
Have a good night, Everyone!!
Congrats again on the new job, that is so awesome. I am still thinking about the Christmas party, what days would be best for you? Oh, and… what’s this about a show?