Learn to Love Yourself

IMG_4024I started a new journal a couple of weeks ago.  I’d been writing in my old one since June, and I finally filled it up.  Starting new journals is always exciting for me, like a new beginning.  And with this new beginning, I decided the main focus of this journal would be working on loving myself.

I ended my last journal admitting how much I don’t love myself.  It’s a realization I’ve been making over time, and I’m finally ready to release it.

Acknowledge and Release.

I’ve spent the majority of my life clinging to false beliefs.  Limiting false beliefs.  I’ve held onto a lot of fear and pain, feeling like I was destined for failure and life would crumble to the ground at any moment.  I’ve always (well, at least since late high-school) had this deep feeling of imminent disaster.  I’ve always had big dreams about what I’d like to happen in my life (and I mean BIG), but they’re mostly squished down by whatever it is within me that makes me think I’m not worthy, that I don’t deserve all this greatness in life, and thus, I will never have it.  I’ve even had this weird false belief that by thinking or dreaming about something that I really want to happen, I’m actually jinxing myself and therefore won’t get it.

Crazy, right?!

The knowledge that we’ve attained at this point in human evolution shows me just how detrimental this mindset can be on the human psyche and therefore, the human experience.  If our thoughts really do create our reality, then it’s no wonder I’ve been dealing with so much pain and feeling like shit the past ten years or so.  And it’s no wonder how deeply I don’t love myself due to the immense amount of negative self-talk that’s been going on in my head.  All of my financial troubles have been created by me and my deep fear of lack.  The more I fear my bills not getting paid, the more they won’t get paid.

My thoughts create my reality.  Think good things, and good things will happen.  Think bad things, and bad things will happen.

Positive = Positive.  Negative = Negative.

It really is that simple.  (Or at least sounds it, right?)

Now, I’ve known this stuff for several years, and I’ve been practicing it.  Especially keeping a positive attitude through hardships.  What I’m realizing lately that I’m not practicing (and basically what’s been holding me back from achieving all my good) is self-love.  Everything else comes back to this.  I’m more worried about what other people think of me than I am my own happiness. I’ll do anything to make another person happy, or like me.  I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to realize that I don’t have to be loved and adored by everyone.  In fact, it’s a little crazy to think that.  (Who knew, right?)

Do you truly love yourself?  I mean, truly?

Honestly, I think the majority of the people in the world today would have a hard time saying yes to that question while staying genuine.

So let this day be a shedding of old skin that is filled with limiting false beliefs and negative self-talk.  Let’s start living lives full of higher-vibrations.

We know who and what we are.  And we know the power we have within to make miracles happen.  (And I don’t know about you, but I’m so ready to manifest some fucking miracles!)

Out with the old and in with the new.

We are filled with unlimited possibilities.  We are worthy and deserve every last bit of our good.  And it all starts with loving the self.


Love Yourself Meditation

I open my heart up to the love that I have to give myself.

I am filled with so much love, and I shower it onto everyone I meet.

I now shower that love onto myself.  I call forth my good, and I release everything that is keeping it from me.


4 comments on “Learn to Love Yourself

    • Get it, girl!! Love yourself and be grateful for EVERYTHING and life will bless you! Life is on your side. Let’s manifest some fucking miracles!

  1. “I’ve even had this weird false belief that by thinking or dreaming about something that I really want to happen, I’m actually jinxing myself and therefore won’t get it.”

    I literally yelled out loud, “Oh my gosh, YES!” My husband was a little perplexed. Hehe. Anyway, I can more or less identify the places in my life where I was trained to think this way, but it is not something that I want to continue. I resonate so deeply with this entire post… and I am very much looking forward to trying the Love Meditation that you wrote out.

    I had that “aha!” moment about a year and a half, two years ago. I was standing in the kitchen, talking to my adopted mom, and all of a sudden I realized (and said out loud), “I hate myself.”

    My mom’s response? “Yes, you do.”

    Our internal worlds may seem to us to be hidden, but really they’re not. And I cannot give what I do not have… so I have been working on self love. This is another tool for my toolbox.

    • Thank you for your comment, Cassandra. Why is it that it’s so easy to love everyone else, but so hard to love ourselves? We’re getting there. 🙂 I hope the meditation goes well. I find it very powerful. – Kim

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