“Who Am I?” – Part 6

Six posts later, have I figured out who I am yet?  I think so. 😉

I’m a wanderer, a seeker, a thinker, and a lover.  I follow my intuition and trust that it will guide me to my inner truth.

Psalm-82-6I am a divine expression of God.

I’ve finally accepted myself for who I am.  I am no longer afraid.  I no longer shy away from my truth in fear of expressing it.

Some words of Jesus have been going around and around in my head over the past few weeks, and I’d like to take some time to talk about them.  It has to do with the idea that we are not separate from God, that God is within us, and that we are, in fact, gods.

In John 10:34, Jesus quotes Psalm 82:6 by saying: Isn’t it written in your laws, ‘I have said, ye are Gods?’  Then, in John 14:12 he tells us: Whoever believes in me, those works which I have done, he will do also, and he will do greater works than these because I am going to the father.

So Jesus is telling us that we are Gods and that we can do what he can do.


We can heal the sick.  We can give sight to the blind.  We can walk on water.

And we’re gods.  What does that mean?  The scripture Jesus is referring to is Psalm 82:6 which states: I said, “You are gods; you are all children of the Most High.”

Some translations say children, others say sons.  So scripture is telling us that we are all sons of God, just as Jesus is viewed as the Son of God.

So we are all gods, who are sons of God, that can do all the things that Jesus did.


Then in Luke 17:21, Jesus tells us that the kingdom of God is within us.  This is another verse that keeps going around and around.  What does he mean by “kingdom of God”?  When I generally think of God’s kingdom, I think of heaven, so I translate this verse into the kingdom of heaven is within you.  But I thought heaven was this big place in the clouds where we went when we die??

All these thoughts, all these questions – THIS is what’s been going on in my head over the past several years.

Through my research and studies, I’ve come to define God not as a big man in the sky, but as the divine force that flows through us and all other living things.  I’ve come to know heaven not as a place where we go when we die, but as something we create, within our midst, while we live.  (And I have the same feelings about hell.)

Being raised the “perfect little Christian girl” that I was, realizing these truths was a long and arduous process.  It took years for me to finally accept and understand the convictions that I felt so deeply in my heart and in my soul.

But once I did, my life changed.

Drastically and fucking beautifully.

I started to grasp onto the truth that Jesus tells us – that we are gods and can do all the things he can do (and more).  Through studying various translations of scripture and examining the history of the Bible itself, I started to view things a little more metaphorically than literally.  After looking at the interpretations and history, you kind of have to because, honestly, no one really knows.  It’s all speculation.

While studying ancient texts of other religions and belief structures, I started to see correlations between them all – many and often, in fact.  All of the major religions teach the same basic values of love, compassion, service, and reverence to God.  Religion is a cultural construct, so each culture just puts its own unique spin on things.  Where you live determines what belief system you’ll be raised with.  I could have easily been the perfect little Buddhist/Muslim/Hindi/Taoist girl if I were born somewhere other than the U.S.

But I wasn’t.  I was born to David and Debbie Brewer in Riverside, California, and I lived the majority of my life in Sullivan, Indiana.  My parents raised me and my siblings in the church, and they taught us the ways of Jesus as early as I can remember.  And I’m so grateful for that.  I’m grateful that my spiritual needs were always met growing up.  I’m grateful that connection and communion with the Divine was not only encouraged and supported, but also expected.  I’m grateful to have been raised with Jesus, for he is still my #1 guru.

There’s a massive shift going on in the world today, and I believe I’m meant to be a big part of that shift.  Old, limiting, oppressive systems will soon crumble and a new light will emerge.  I’m here to help bring that light forth.

Now, it’s your turn.  Who are you? Answer in the comments below. 🙂

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