So school started this week.  So far, things are going well. 
I’m taking my second education cluster which includes reading, writing,
and field experience.  I’m also taking a class about the legal and
ethical issues in education and music of the beatles with Mr. Andy
Hollinden.  That’s going to be a great class, as can be expected
with Andy.  I’m really excited about all of my education classes,
too.  I feel like I’m finally taking some classes that are
actually going to be useful after I graduate.  I’m excited about
the legal course because it will be interesting to learn about all of
the different laws that have to do with education.  Plus, I really
don’t know as much as I should about stuff like that, so I’m eager to
learn more.

I’m also really excited about my writing class.  I’ve always loved
writing.  In high school, I religiously wrote in a journal, but I
didn’t keep up with it when I came to college.  My professor wants
us to write in a journal for at least twenty minutes five days of the
week.  Some people are griping about this, but I’m really
excited.  I’ve been wanting to be more disciplined in my writing,
and I feel that since it’s a class, it will help me be more consistent
and hopefully keep up with it even when the class is over.  I’ve
also had some strange conviction to write lately.  I did a lot of
reading over the summer, and I read a memoir that really touched me and
made me want to write about things that have happened in my life in the
hopes that it will touch someone else’s life – especially things that
have happened over the last year.  I just don’t know how. 
I’m fine with the actual writing and grammar.  Grammar and writing
have always been my strongest subjects in school.  It’s just the
opening up and telling a story in a way that makes it interesting for
others that I sometimes have a problem with.  I’m hoping that I
can grow in that area over the next semester and become a better
writer.   And, hey, you never know – maybe I’ll write a book
someday. 😉

We’ve been having a lot of problems with Murphy lately.  He’s just
really misbehaving.  He barks all the time, attacks Binx all the
time, chews on EVERYTHING all the time…  It’s just been really
stressful.  Cory and I really think it mainly boils down to the
fact that our place may just be too small for him.  He doesn’t
have a lot of room to play, and we can’t let him play outside as much
as we would like to.  We’ve thrown around the idea of finding
another home for him because of how bad the last few weeks have been,
but I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that.  We got a muzzle
yesterday, and I guess it’s working fairly well.  He definitely
doesn’t like it.  He also quickly learned what it was so anytime
we come near him with it, he freaks out and barks and bites at
us.  It’s just a really stressful situation, so prayers/advice
would be much appreciated.  Or if you know someone who has a
house/backyard and wants a puppy, pass that along, too.  Like I
said, I really don’t want to get rid of him because I love him dearly
and he’s adorable.  But it’s just getting really bad and Cory,
Binx, and I are getting really stressed with him.  Hopefully
things will work out, though.

Other than that, not a lot is going on.  We bought a keyboard last
week, so I’m trying to teach myself piano.  I really want to start
writing music again, and I’ve been aching to play piano.  I’m
hoping I can pick up on it fairly easily and start writing again. 
Cory and the boys have been inspiring me, and now I want to play music
and perfom, too. 🙂

Well, I’m going to go take a little nap before my husband gets home from work.  Love you all!!

3 comments on “

  1. It’s about time you updated this thing!!  I hate that I can’t help out with the Murphy situation!  I’m glad school is going well so far!  Good luck with the writing!!

    Love ya…Stacey

  2. So let me get this straight, people are complaining about having to write as part of a writing class? Wow. I don’t even know where to begin with that one.

    As far as being a storyteller (which is a simple way of describing what you said 😉 ) — you’re surrounded with them in your life. Your husband, so many of your friends, all storytellers. I wish I could tell you some magical secret to it, but I inherited it from my dad, as did my brother. I think a big part for you will be to not discount your stories and to open up about them. God uses that so much you would never believe it. Just know and believe that you have something to say.

  3. Hey girl,

    I was reading about the pup issues. How old is he now? What breed? I may be able to help as I deal with numerous behavior problems fostering and training. . A couple of big things to think about… has he been to obedience training (even a petsmart class). That is the most important thing you can do for a puppy. Dogs adapt to living situations but they need to have attention and firm but positive reinforcement of good behavior. A good dog trainer can easily fix the things your talking about…besides the chewing…because to be honest he might just be teething. Let me know if Kyle or I can provide insight on this. Be careful with the muzzle too, that is not a corrective tool but rather a punishment to a dog. A trainer or some good solid techniques will help train the behavior out rather than just masking the problem. Sorry if this comes across wrong. I want to help as we get dogs dumped for reasons like this all the time and 99% of the time it’s a training issue.

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